He is true.
He is right.
He is waiting for us not just to believe in Him but believe Him: Believe His Word.
I believe that in order to believe God (not just believe in Him), we have to read His word and then live like we believe it. We have to experience God.
Here's an example: Growing up, I believed in my parents. I believed in the fact that they had authority over me and were in charge of my upbringing. I believed in the promise they made to protect and help me through life. I also believed in the fact that they would punish me for disobedience.
It's one thing to know and/or hear that these things are so. It's a whole other to actually see them happen.
It was my experiences with my parents that caused me to actually believe what they said. They showed me love as they cared for and nurtured me. I believed they loved me. When I disobeyed, I was punished. The actual occurrences in which I experienced the punishments caused me to believe them when they said I was going to get a spanking.
I think our relationship with God is very similar.
It's often easy to believe in God when we simply obtain head knowledge of Him.
It's often hard to believe God if we don't experience Him and know in our hearts that He is who He says He is.
You might know in your head (believe in) that Jesus came to set the captives free, but you might not believe Him until you allow Him to set you free.
Will you give Him access to you heart? Will you surrender so you can be set free?
Here's a prayer that may help as you Stop, Drop and Pray today. It's from Psalm 139:
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way