"Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord" is the line that just grips my heart.
In my current state of weakness, God is strong. He is my Strength, my Refuge, my Hiding Place. In my current sickness, there is no way I could even do half of the things I am doing without God.
I know that He has big plans for me... big things in store!
I know that as I patiently, obediently, and faithfully wait for Him to reveal His plan... my strength is rising!
I do not think that He wants me to idly wait; therefore, I am serving while I'm waiting.
My newest project is the Breaking Free bible study that I plan to start on Monday, April 19th.
Check back on Monday for full details!
Hang in there girlie! There is HOPE behind the stone! It WILL be rolled away!! Love ya!