Sunday, May 16, 2010

Shelly Says ~ "Unplug"

Hello fellow companions and visitors,

This week (5/16-5/22) I encourage you to unplug (click on the bold word for more info) as much as possible and really open yourself up to allow God access to your spirit and soul.

Allow Him to move in your life like you've never seen before.

Spend time in prayer, in His Word, and in His presence (pray, read the Bible and enjoy growing close to Him).

Spend as much time as you can this week totally unplugged from all the electronic devices that constantly demand your time.

Even 5 minutes is a blessing!

I'll connect with you again on the 23rd when we will begin discussing the benefits of being unplugged and letting God have access to our whole being!

Many prayers for a blessed week,

1 comment:

  1. I love the Stop, Drop and Pray thing. I plan to implement it in my own life this week. :-)
