Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Shelly Says ~ "Be Broken and Beautiful"

Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning?
Who told the ocean you can only come this far?
Who showed the moon where to hide 'til evening?
Whose words alone can catch a falling star?

The very same God that spins things in orbit,
He runs to the weary, the worn and the weak.
And the same gentle hands that hold me when I'm broken
They conquered death to bring me victory!

Well I know my Redeemer lives.
I know my Redeemer lives.
All of creation testify.
This life within me cries.
I know my Redeemer lives!

Lyrics from one of my very favorite songs:

That song always makes me tear up. I don't know if I can put my finger on exactly why, but when I really let those words sink into my spirit I realize the power and glory of the Lord. I guess that's enough to bring the tears! : )

The part that really stands out to me today is the 2nd verse which talks about how God, who keeps Creation in orbit, also runs to the brokenhearted to bind up their wounds with His hands. Those very same hands are also the ones that sent His only Son to redeem a fallen world.

If you're able, just take a few moments and let all that sink into your soul.

In Chapter 17, what really touched my heart was reading that God is in the reconstruction business. We know that Christ on Earth was in the construction business. We also know that God the Father and God the Son are one in the same. To me, that means that we're totally covered when it comes to the construction of our being and the reconstruction when things fall apart. 24/7/365 an extreme makeover is available to us. All we have to do is say, "Here I am!" Just be the clay and the Master Potter will create a masterpiece from your brokenness.

As I typed that last line, I was reminded of a beautiful "picture" that is etched in my mind. A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of worshipping with some new friends. When we approached the altar to take part in Communion, I noticed that it was decorated beautifully.

An ornate, hand carved, wooden cross was the centerpiece. Around the cross were interwoven grape vines and a peaceful tabletop fountain. Then it caught my eye. There at the foot of the cross was a beautiful little clay pot. At closer inspection, I found out that this was not your usual, decorative clay pot. This one was broken. Now, when I say it was broken, I don't mean that it lay in shattered pieces. Someone had taken the broken vessel and had but it back together to reflect its original form.

You could still see all the cracks where it was once broken, but now it was put back together again. It was whole. That was me at the foot of that cross. Wonderfully created, broken, then put back together.

It was a powerful image.

We all want to be worthy of love and beautiful, but are we willing to let the Master Potter mold us and make us after His will?

Chapter 18 describes Christ as the Redeemer of our broken hearts. I love the image of Christ applying pressure to our broken heart in order to stop the bleeding. What a beautiful picture of grace and mercy.

Like the little clay pot on the alter, take your broken heart to God and lay it at the foot of the cross. Let Him heal you. Let Him put you back together again. Trade in your bondage for a bandage that only He can apply. (*bondage for a bandage is adapted from Beth Moore's words on page 114).

Chapter 19 addresses our childhood hurts, but I think I've done enough talking for one day. ; ) Tomorrow, I will share one of my childhood hurts: One that almost kept me from accepting the call into vocational ministry.

Your sharing does not have to be just from Chapters 17-19. Please feel free to share any personal insight, story, revelation, etc... from Part 3 of our study... or any part for that matter.

I am praising and thanking God for all the wonderful things He has done for you. Break free, child!!! And, don't forget to stop, drop and pray!


  1. Wow, I really had to stop and spend several days just reading and praying over Chapter 18. I found that my heart is covered with armor and it has been a real struggle to lower my armor and let the healing arrow penetrate. I went through a very painful divorce and it has really hardened my heart and spirit. I have prayed in the past and felt that I had healed, but then last week, I get phone call that my ex-husband is getting remarried...and that reopened the wound. As I was reading Chapter 18 I realized that "He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted" is what I have been missing all along. I never really let my armor completely down...and my heart was never truly healed. I love when God opens our eyes and the true healing can now begin!!!

  2. Thank you for being transparent and sharing your hurt as well as the victory!!!

    HALLELUJAH!!!!! YEAH! This where the healing begins, girl; where it starts.

    I am SO HAPPY to hear this wonderful news... that God has penetrated the armor that was keeping you from total healing.

    Lay it all down at His feet! He will redeem your broken heart!

    I am praying for you and I love you!
