Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Shelly Says ~ "We're Off To See the King!"

The wonderful King of the Universe!

How often do you remind yourself that, as a Christian, you're on a journey from earth into eternity?

Psalm 84:5 says, "Happy are the people whose strength is in You, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage."

Are you happy? Is your heart set on pilgrimage?

As a child, I once heard that heaven has streets of gold. I think that's in a song I heard at an early age. As that image came to mind this morning when I read Psalm 84:5, I thought about how our journey together is much like the movie The Wizard of Oz. In the movie, Dorothy and her new friends are companions on a journey seeking that which is lost by gravitating toward The Great Wizard of Oz: We are companions on a journey seeking that which is lost by gravitating towards The One who died for the lost.

Do you feel like you've lost your mind? Have you lost heart in areas of your life formerly fueled with passion? Have you lost courage in the face of fear? Have you lost your way and are looking for the road that leads home?

Then let's keep up the pace! We're off to see the King of the Universe and He will restore us. He will make us whole again. He promises transformation by the renewal of the mind (Romans 12:2). He promises that we will find Him when we seek Him with all our heart (Jeremiah 29:13). He promises us that He will be with us and we do not have to be afraid (Deuteronomy 31:6). He promises to be our Tower of Refuge and strength... a shelter no matter our circumstances... our home base (Isaiah 4:6).

I could sing of His love forever!

Your former life may have seemed like a black and white nightmare: But when you became a Christian, I hope you felt like your world became alive with living color for the first time. I can just see you setting your cute ruby red slippers (or comfy flip-flops if such is the case) on that first gold brick and beginning a journey to see your Saviour. {smile}

Have there been many trials and tribulations along the way? Have you made new friends and learned of their plights as well? It's all par for the journey, dear friend. It's called life on Earth. Thank God for friends!

The good news is, our life doesn't end here. Christ died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again! O' Happy Day!

What grabbed your attention today in the reading of Chapter 1? How did you answer your study questions? I am excited to hear from you today. Don't forget to Stop, Drop and Pray today. Add your requests as well.

Keep your eye on the prize, Sweet Princess of the One True High King and watch out for flying monkeys!