Do you think God is trying to tell me something? : )
In Jesus Calling, Sarah Young invites the reader to "be thankful for quiet days, when nothing special seems to be happening. Instead of being bored by the lack of action, use times of routine to seek My Face" (pg. 108).
What a beautiful reminder of Psalm 105:4 (which Sarah Young also references)!
When I look upward to God instead of outward at my circumstances, I gain a different perspective of my life and my day.
When I make the right decision based on God's Word and not fleshly desires, I feel a sense of peace instead of turmoil and unrest.
When I listen to the Voice of Truth instead of the voice of lies and deceit, I find peace and tranquility.
When I seek His face, all is well with my soul.
Have you given peace a chance?

*** More info on the bible study Breaking Free by Beth Moore
If you are interested in doing the online bible study, Breaking Free by Beth Moore, with me... just send me an e-mail ( with the subject line "Breaking Free." You can also post a comment to this blog entry (below) with your information. I will reply with full details and will add you (upon your request) to my mailing list.
General info:
The study starts on April 19th and goes thru June 14th, 2010. While that may seem like a long time, I have included several breaks in the schedule.
You don't have to purchase the book to participate, but it will be the basis of our discussions and will prove to be very helpful. You are more than welcome to visit the blog and simply read the posts to glean from what other people are saying.
There will be an on-going, discussion of the book on my blog and we will meet online, periodically to have "live" discussions. The dates/times for these discussions will be determined by a group vote.
This is the kind of study you can do at your own pace and your own timing.
I look forward to Breaking Free with you!!!
What a great devotion today. A wonderful reminder that the only peace comes from Him. Blessings!