Thursday, May 6, 2010

Shelly Says ~ "Yadha Yadha "

I just about fell over this morning when I read, in Chapter 3, that "Yadha" is Hebrew for "know."

At the risk of sounding like a know-it-all: I already know this because I'm currently reading a series of books titled The Yada Yada Prayer Group. In one of the books, a character explains that very definition.

It's very interesting to me that this would show up twice in two weeks because my very favorite Bible verse is Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God...". Well, I FINALLY got the the "be still" part down (it's rather easy to do when you're sick) and very recently felt like God was telling me that I was ready for the next step... "and know that I am God."

That didn't hit me until I read our homework assignment this morning (Chapter 3)! "Okay, God, I think I'm ready!!!" Shelly says.
: )

You see, in a nutshell, I have a very active, busy body. Until last year, "no" wasn't really part of my vocabulary. In April 2008, God showed me Psalm 46:10 and He began to help me "be still." That's another story for another time.

For now, I want to hear from you:

Are you already recognizing the symptoms of captivity in your life?

How did you answer the study questions?

How are you doing with the Scripture memorization?

It's one thing to know Scripture and to hear what God has done for you; however, it's a whole other thing to actually believe it in your heart.

I don't know about you, but I was RELIEVED when I read that the Scripture memory will get easier. I imagine there were a few sighs of relief out there after hearing from so many of you that the memorization is challenging.

If you are on the mailing list, I will send you some suggestions for learning Scripture. I found them in the Bible Study that changed my life. They help me immensely! If you are not on the mailing list but are interested... just send me an e-mail ( with Breaking Free Scripture in the title.

You don't have to memorize this one ; ) but I do want to leave you with a blessing from 2 Thessalonians 3:5 (TLB) today:

"May the Lord bring you into an ever deeper understanding of the love of God and of the patience that comes from Christ."


  1. Hi Shelly,
    I posted some of my stuff in the Stop, Drop and Pray section. I will try to remember to post them in the right place. BTW, this is Judy. Sunshine is my signin on my Google account.

  2. "God always cares more for your freedom than you do." That is so power-packed. I think about my struggle with food addiction. I care about it and I cry about it, but when it comes to choosing, I go right to the food. I can get into an addictions meeting and go for years and arrest the addiction, but one bite of the wrong thing and I'm back over 300 pounds. It's such an insidious disease. I know the only answer is Christ. I have a difficult time turning it over to him. I want freedom from it. He wants me to be free from it. I don't have the strength on my own to resist for any length of time. Obesity is a generational curse in my family. I have been very lucky to have gotten this far without heart disease and diabetes. I do covet your prayers.

    I am desperate for this study to guide me spiritually and mentally and physically into a relationship with Christ that will break these chains.
